Friday, October 18, 2019

Essay problem-solution Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Problem-solution - Essay Example Global warming is led to by many causes. The rise in the carbon dioxide content is the most principle cause for this phenomenon. Industrialization is one of the most important reasons for carbon dioxide release into the atmosphere. The release of carbon dioxide from the fossil fuels that are used in these industries leads to an increase in the carbon dioxide levels in the air. Automobiles are another source of the emission of carbon dioxide in the air. The trees work as a shield against the issue of global warming as they take in the carbon dioxide from the air and release in return. Deforestation for industrialization and forest fires are thus another major cause of global warming as they lead to a reduction in the number of trees and thus this promotes the warming phenomenon of Earth. Global warming has brought with it many disastrous effects on the atmosphere and the environment. The warming results in an increase in the overall temperature of the world. This promotes the melting of the glaciers which are the ice reserves which in turn leads to an increase in the level of water in the rivers and the seas. A rise in the overall water level can be cause of floods and many small islands can be destroyed from the world map owing to this. Furthermore, floods are also a cause of the spread of diseases. Heat waves are also generated owing to the warming of the earth. These heat waves can be a reason of many deaths as well. Thus, global warming provides for many damaging results for the earth’s atmosphere as well as for mankind. The issue of global warming should be taken seriously and steps should be taken on the global level to prevent further deterioration. The emission of greenhouse gases should be controlled. Alternative fuels should be introduced for the motor vehicles to prevent the emission of gases. The usage of public transport should be promoted to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide. Guidelines for industries should also be laid down which may

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